Case 4 – Crown and Bonding

Before: The patient was unhappy with the appearance of her front teeth.

After: UL2, UR2 crowns were replaced with all ceramic crowns and UL1, UR1 incisal edges built up with direct bonding composite filling material.
Before: The patient was unhappy with the appearance of her front teeth.
After: UL2, UR2 crowns were replaced with all ceramic crowns and UL1, UR1 incisal edges built up with direct bonding composite filling material.
‘I just want to say Thank you so much for the super job you have done on my front teeth – I never thought they could look this good again! You have made them look so good and I am very grateful to you and Michelle for all the care you have given to me. I would also like to say, not even in my wildest dreams would I have described a dental surgery as being ‘homely’ yet I feel yours does – you and the staff have made that difference!’
Mrs JT 14/2/14
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