Call us today on 01704 536 003 Hyslop Dental and Implant Clinic, 8 Albert Road, Southport, PR9 0LE


hygienistIt is impossible to over-emphasise the importance of the dental hygienist’s role in your dental healthcare. The three major causes of tooth loss in the UK are gum disease, tooth decay and toothbrush abrasion. These are all preventable, providing you have the necessary support.

As we often say, there is absolutely no point in having a lovely house built on a bog! Likewise there is no point in having lovely healthy teeth if the foundations (gum and bone) are not equally healthy. A clean and healthy mouth will improve your appearance and self-confidence, help you keep your teeth, give you fresh breath and help prevent life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, strokes and diabetes.

75% of all teeth still lost today are as a result of gum disease – a disease that is totally preventable.

As well as removing the causative factors associated with gum disease (plaque, calculus etc.), our hygienists can formulate an individual cleaning regime tailored to each person to meet your specific needs. That way, you can be sure that your oral hygiene regime minimises your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

To help with our objectives, we stock an extensive range of oral healthcare products recommended by our hygienists – all at extremely competitive prices and many of which are difficult to find in supermarkets. Certain complimentary oral hygiene products are provided in conjunction with hygienist appointments in order to encourage their use.

Standard Scale Polish – £69

Intensive Scale Polish – £116

Airflow – £22 

AIRFLOW can now be added to either treatment for £22. AIRFLOW is an advanced air polishing treatment that uses a combination of air, water, and specially formulated powders to disperse and eliminate stains. Airflow polishing** removes all stains including hard to reach places leaving teeth feeling smooth and your mouth feeling fresh.

* When available
**Treatment may not be suitable for patient with certain health conditions – clinician will advise

Direct Access

On 28 March 2013 the General Dental Council (GDC) agreed to lift the restriction on dental hygienists and dental therapists to see patients on prescription from a dentist only.

Dental hygienists and dental therapists can now see patients without a prescription from a dentist for the full range of their scope of practice.

Contact us today to book an appointment with our therapist, Charlotte Bond.

‘I am delighted with the outcome relating to the recent implants I had placed by you and I feel obliged to write and Thank you! It was not a cheap option but now they have been done it has made such and impact on my day to day life. I now realize what a good decision was made. My confidence is fully restored and it seems money was well spent!’

Mrs JC 14/01/14