Call us today on 01704 536 003 Hyslop Dental and Implant Clinic, 8 Albert Road, Southport, PR9 0LE


The cost of your care depends on the time spent with the dentist, dental hygienist or dental therapist and the cost of any laboratory work. Generally, the time taken will be the same as the booked appointment time and when you make an appointment you will be told the amount of time that has been booked for you.

Private Plan/Membership Scheme

We offer Annual, Routine, Enhanced and Children’s Memberships. From just £20.99 a month you can get up to 10% off all treatments! Click here for more information.

As a guide, the costs of some common private treatments are given below. You will be given a full estimate and treatment plan after examination and will be advised of any proposed changes during a course of treatment. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff or your dentist. Please also ask about the practice’s payment policies and the different ways of paying.

Treatment TypePrices
AirflowFrom £99
Amalgam fillingFrom £139
CBCTFrom £163
Composite (white) fillingFrom £180
Composite VeneerFrom £250
Crown From £706
DentureFrom £869
Emergency AppointmentFrom £98
ExaminationFrom £77
Endodontic Treatment (root canal)From £380
ExtractionFrom £174
Extraction SurgicalFrom £315
Full Case AssessmentFrom £163
Home Teeth Whitening - 4 Syringes From £350
Hygiene AppointmentFrom £75
Airflow add onFrom £36
ImplantsFrom £2500
InvisalignFrom £2000
OPTFrom £55
Periodontal Therapy From £136
Porcelain BridgeFrom £650/unit
Porcelain VeneerFrom £500
Private ConsultationFrom £70
Quick Straight TeethFrom £1800
Sports Gum ShieldFrom £140
Home Whitening (Boutique)From £408
Surgery Whitening (Zoom)From £706
X-RayFrom £17
3 Areas£295.00
2 Areas£240.00
1 Area£150.00
Dermal Fillers 
1 SyringeFrom £250.00

‘I am delighted with the outcome relating to the recent implants I had placed by you and I feel obliged to write and Thank you! It was not a cheap option but now they have been done it has made such and impact on my day to day life. I now realize what a good decision was made. My confidence is fully restored and it seems money was well spent!’

Mrs JC 14/01/14